Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Why so many people do not trust hybrid cars.

1.  Hybrid cars are associated with electric cars

Hybrid cars are often looked at as electric cars by some consumers.   It is amazing to see how many consumers dont know anything about hybrid cars at all.   People look at them as slow;not having the range that gasoline engines have.  Hybrids cars have more range than electric and gasoline cars.

 2. Hybrid cars are considered slow and cannot climb hill.

Ford Fusion Hybrid
My 2013 Ford Fusion Hybrid
 Hybrid cars are fast enough by todays standards and most have the equivalent of the modern 4 cylinder engines.  For example,  the Nissan Altima 2011, has a four cylinder 2.5 liter engine.  The 2013 Ford Fusion, has the same 2.5 liter engine in addition to it electric engine.   The Ford Fusion is faster than the Nissan Altima and the electric engine assists in uphill climbs.   My car has no problem keeping up and passing cars on the road. 

3. Hybrid cars are all plug in and need a special outlet to charge.  

Hybrid cars never have to be plugged in to perform.   The Ford Engeri Titanium,  is a plug in hybrid, but you dont have to plug it in if you do not want to.  It is benificial to plug it in and allow the electric motor to save you money but it is not a necessity. 

4. Hybid cars have a litmited battery life.

It is true that batteries may need replacement,  but that is longer than most people keep cars in this day and age.   You may have to replace a battery after a few years, but you would have saved thousands of dollars with gas prices these days.  Nowadays, I never worry about the gas prices and barely visit the gas station. (Ford Fusion 2012).  I boasted a maximum of 63MPH to a co-worker.  My car is makes me conscience of the responsiblility to save gas.   I let off the brakes, the electric engine turns on.  (Remember two is always better than one)  Computers these days are using multiple processors to improve performance.  Two engines will always outlast one, because they share the work. That is just common sense.  

5. Hybrid cars are more expensive.

Hybrid cars are more expensive than most of their counterparts in the same class.   Hybrid cars actually pay for themself in the first year or two in savings.  I am so impressed with them that I decided to study them, write about them and make a competition.   After filling up, I look at how long I can drive on that one tank.  It it is good not to see an empty tank and not have to get gas as often.   Hey! Save your money to buy other things..  Get a hybrid !

2013 Honda Civic Hybrid


  1. Please tell me if you have any reason not to trust hybrid cars.

  2. How many times a week do you go to the pump?
